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(Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program)

The Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) is a premarital/marital educational curriculum. PREP has been continually refined and based on up-to-date research, particularly in the area of communication, conflict management, and gender differences. PREP attempts to help couples reduce or limit risk factors and raise protective factors, with the overarching focus being to help couples develop and maintain safety in terms of emotional connection and support, and safety in terms of long-term security and commitment. The program includes the following topics: Communication Danger Signs of future problems, gender differences, using structure to promote safety, the Speaker Listener Technique, problem solving, Ground Rules for handling conflict, strategies for dealing with issues and events, clarifying core beliefs and expectations, forgiveness, commitment, and how to preserve and enhance fun, friendship, and sensuality.  The learning model employed in the PREP Approach is educational, with the focus on teaching couples the kids of attitude and actions that make for marital success. 

PICK (Premarital Interpersonal Choices & Knowledge)

The PICK (Premarital, Interpersonal, Choices and Knowledge) a Partner program applies the RAM to singles’ romantic relationships. The program teaches two main points. First, how to pace the development of a relationship in a healthy way so that the love is blind syndrome is avoided. Second, the program teaches five areas to get to know about a partner that accurately predicts what they will be like in a long-term relationship. The PICK program is intended for all ages of singles, from middle school aged to those who are in their twilight years. To date, the PICK program has been used with numerous populations. It has been taught in middle schools, high schools, universities, non-profit organizations, domestic violence shelters, churches, and in all branches of the military. Love Thinks offers several different workbooks for the PICK course: military, young adult, 10-lesson young adult, and Christian.  This course explains the counseling theory and research that is integrated and supported by the RAM. It uses the RAM to provide a framework for assessing and counseling clients and their relationships. A five-step assessment approach utilizes the RAM Relationship Attachment Model as a visual, interactive model that allows clients to self-assess their relationship with rating scales along with personal and specific details. The relationship counseling method builds off of the assessment to assist clients with mapping out the steps to achieve their desired changes and goals.

LINK (Lasting Intimacy Through Nurturing Knowledge & Skills)

The LINKS (Lasting Intimacy through Nurturing Knowledge & Skills) Program is a five-session secular curriculum. Each session is based on a two-hour teaching timeframe, but is designed to be adapted to many different timeframes and group settings. The Couple LINKS program applies the RAM to couples’ relationships with emphasizing and normalizing that the balance of the RAM connections will naturally fluctuate. The key is that couples need to regularly balance their imbalances by strengthening and setting goals with each of the five dynamics of the RAM in weekly “huddles.” 


Family Wellness is offered to individuals, couples and families from all walks of life and many cultures. It is an enrichment program that communities can provide for their couples and families. Schools, churches, hospitals, industry, day care centers, mental health professionals, business and interested individuals couples and parents conduct programs all over the world. Family Wellness is a quickly learned and easily adapted program, which has proven effective in a variety of communities, cultures, and languages. It is currently used for prevention and intervention in the areas of domestic violence, drug, alcohol, and child abuse. Some additional applications are for teen parents, for Stepfamilies, for Saturday school students, for families in gang neighborhoods, for teaching conflict resolution skills to youth and families, for family preservation programs, in chaplaincy programs, in hospital settings, as well as for parents who want to get back in charge of their children and their lives. Family Wellness is a quickly learned and easily adapted program, which has proven effective in a variety of communities, cultures, and languages. It is currently used for prevention and intervention in the areas of domestic violence, drug, alcohol, and child abuse. Some additional applications are for teen parents, for Stepfamilies, for Saturday school students, for families in gang neighborhoods, for teaching conflict resolution skills to youth and families, for family preservation programs, in chaplaincy programs, in hospital settings, as well as for parents who want to get back in charge of their children and their lives.


Two Become One is a course for newlywed as well as couples who are seasoned in their marriage.  This course is designed to equip couples with the necessary tools to be successful in marriage when they experience hard times. Two Become One is designed as a conference curriculum as well as a home study course.  This course allows couples to inject themselves in several scenarios to see what they would do if they were in that same situation. Through constant real life examples to use the couples will learn the skills necessary to be successful without the need of marriage counseling. Two Become One deals with Four key areas: Anger Management, Stress, Anxiety, and Selfishness. This course uses smart devices and technology to make this a fun and interactive course.  


Sex By the Book is a curriculum for families and churches to teach their children about sex through scriptures.  This course is designed for students as well as parents.  This course is for those parents who want to talk to their child about sex but does not know where to start. The course is fun and interactive. Sex by the Book is a sexual education class your student would normally receive at school except it’s taught in church from the Christian Perspective. 


The Anger Management Program is an 8 week program designed to educate and empower people of all ages to deal with their anger, to use anger management and problem-solving skills, and to discover the coping skills they need to manage their anger appropriately. A major focus of The Anger Management Program is for participants to understand that anger is a normal emotion. They will learn to put their thinking between their feelings and behavior, and to see how negative and positive self-talk can influence both feelings and behavior.

*each of these curriculums can be taught in Christian as well as Secular version.